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Västra Götalandsregionen

Mobilitetscenter has had an agreement with the Västra Götaland Region since 2006. Initially, the agreement was for a procured service, but in 2017 it was replaced by an agreement for Civil Society Public Partnership (IOP). This agreement focuses on being a resource for organisations and citizens in the region in the field of to medical requirements and evaluations related to holding or obtaining a driver’s license in Sweden.

Other regions in Sweden can also utilise the services at Mobilitetscenter.


Mobilitetscenter previously had a contract with Försäkringskassan for a procured service. In 2020, Försäkringskassan decided not to extend the contract, and the previous procured service is now a state task with the Swedish Transport Administration. Mobilitetscenter continues to receive inquiries from private individuals regarding car support and has limited ability to provide support within the IOP agreement with Västra Götaland Region.

When referred to Mobilitetscenter, your personal data will be registered and processed in data systems. Personal data refers to information that can be linked to a living person. Typical personal data includes personal identification numbers, names, and addresses. The General Data Protection Regulation  (GDPR) has tightened the rules regarding which personal data may be collected, processed, stored, and how this data may be collected. The purpose is to strengthen the protection of personal integrity for individuals.

Mobilitetscenter’s operations are subject to the rules of GDPR and also the laws governing the handling of personal data for healthcare operations. Mobilitetscenter has a statutory obligation to document interventions according to the Swedish Patient Data Act and the Health and Medical Services Act. The staff at Mobilitetscenter are bound by confidentiality under these laws.

Mobilitetscenter handles personal data to fulfil its obligations under the Health and Medical Services Act and the Patient Data Act. The legal basis is to fulfil a statutory obligation (medical record documentation). The data collected is stored as long as the Patient Data Act or other laws require. The personal data collected includes, among other things, names, addresses, and personal identification numbers. Additionally, other personal data such as health conditions may be collected. These data are considered sensitive and are only collected when necessary and handled with great integrity and discretion.

Mobilitetscenter uses a secured web-based system for documentation and employs an external server for data management. The server is located in Sweden. Mobilitetscenter is responsible for personal data and has data processing agreements with the providers. The data are not accessible to anyone other than the staff at Mobilitetscenter.

Prior to an assessment at Mobilitetscenter, clients are informed that personal data processing is carried out. Clients then have the option to cancel the assessment and not go through with it. If the assessment is conducted, Mobilitetscenter has an obligation to document it.

You have the right to contact Mobilitetscenter at any time to find out what information about you is documented and registered. You also have the right to request correction of incorrect information by contacting Mobilitetscenter at the email address below. If you are not satisfied with how your personal data is handled at Mobilitetscenter, you can report this to the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection. In the first instance, you should contact Mobilitetscenter at the following address: info@mobilitetscenter.se

Contact details for the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection: 

Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection 

Box 8114 

104 20 Stockholm 

More information on GDPR:


Mobilitetscenter is responsible for this website. We want as many people as possible to be able to use it. This statement explains how mobilitetscenter.se complies with the Swedish Act on Accessibility to Digital Public Services, any known accessibility issues, and how you can report deficiencies to us so that we can address them.

How accessible is this website?

We are not aware of any accessibility deficiencies on this website. However, there are decorative images that do not contain full descriptions. Read more below.

Reporting accessibility issues on the website

We continuously strive to improve the accessibility of this website. If you encounter any problems that are not described on this page or believe that we are not meeting the legal requirements, please let us know so that we can address the issue.


The Swedish Agency for Digital Government (Digg) is responsible for monitoring compliance with the Act on Accessibility to Digital Public Services. You can report to Digg if you believe that our digital services have accessibility deficiencies.

You can also report to Digg if you think our accessibility statement is inadequate or if you believe that we have not handled your request for accessibility adjustments correctly.

Technical information about this website’s accessibility

This website complies with the Swedish Act on Accessibility to Digital Public Services.

Content that is not fully accessible

At the top of each page, a heading is embedded within an image. This heading is also available in the menu and is therefore not essential for understanding the content of the page. Since the text within the image does not provide unique information, no alternative text has been added.

The website uses images to create a visual environment and atmosphere. These images have been marked as decorative and therefore do not have alternative text. No essential functions or important information are conveyed solely through these images.

How we have tested this website

We have conducted a review using “Accessibility Insights for Web” (a Chrome plug-in) and carried out a self-assessment (internal testing) of mobilitetscenter.se.

  • The most recent assessment was carried out on 27 January 2025.
  • The website was published on 13 November 2024.
  • This statement was last updated on 29 January 2025.
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