The importance of mobility and why assessments may be necessary
Mobility is a central part of independence and quality of life. For many, the ability to drive is crucial for participating in society, working, and maintaining social contacts. At Mobilitetscenter, we conduct assessments of cognitive and motor skills to thoroughly examine the conditions for safe and independent driving. A doctor´s referral is required to initiate an assessment.
It is the Swedish Transport Agency (Transportstyrelsen) that, in its regulations, has determined and defined the medical requirements for driving licences in Sweden. These regulations apply to all drivers and are in place to keep us all safe on the roads. To hold a driver´s license, you must meet the medical requirements of fitness to drive. Any type of medical condition that could negatively impact road safety does not meet these requirements. The most common medical conditions and what applies to them can be found in the Swedish Transport Agency’s medical regulations (TSFS 2010:125)
How does an assessment work?
When you come to Mobilitetscenter, we begin with a dialogue about the reason for your visit. You will have the opportunity to describe your situation and get answers to questions you may have. We will explain the different parts of the assessment, what it focuses on, and what happens next. At Mobilitetscenter, we have a wide range of equipment and test materials that we adapt depending on the type of assessment. These can be tests that focus on cognition, that is, the brain’s various functions, or tests that focus more on the body, for example, motor skills. You will receive verbal feedback on what the results have shown, and we will discuss consequences and possible solutions. A few days after your visit, your doctor will receive a detailed report from Mobilitetscenter, describing the results of the assessment.

Assessment of Medical Fitness to Drive
Assessing medical fitness to drive following an injury or illness involves a comprehensive evaluation of your cognitive and motor skills.

Assessment for a Learner´s
To begin driving license training for a car or class I moped, a learner´s permit is required. A person with a diagnosis

Assessment and Advice on Vehicle Adaptations
We provide advice and support regarding vehicle adaptations that can help you drive safely and comfortably.

Training in the
Our driving simulator offers a safe environment where you can practise driving in various traffic environments and conditions,