Our team consists of occupational therapists with extensive experience and expertise in driving-related medical issues.
For practical driving assessments, we have long collaborated with experienced driving instructors.
Contact Us
FO Petersons gata 24
421 31 Västra Frölunda
031-22 05 90
Opening Hours
Monday-Thursday: 8-16 Friday: 8-14
Visits by appointment only.
Getting Here
Directions by Bus
The nearest bus stop is ”Radiomotet”.
From the Radiomotet bus stop, head so that you have “Husknuten” on your right. Cross the road at the pedestrian crossing and follow the path until you can turn right (there’s a dog daycare at the intersection). Continue straight ahead, and Mobilitetscenter is on the third floor above the Swedish Transport Administration’s (Trafikverkets) offices.
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